This is a website about Queensland's vernacular architecture and suburban history, with a focus on the south-east corner of the state. The topics are diverse and include local history, architecture, planning legislation, building materials and techniques - and anything related. The geographical emphasis is on the Greater Brisbane Region but the information is relevant to all areas of Queensland and to some extent the rest of Australia.
If you live in a vintage home and have questions regarding any aspects of its history then feel free to drop me a line on magnus.eriksson.ercons(at)gmail.com, and I'd be happy to assist you to the best of my availability.
Our Facebook page has lots of useful examples of research projects, tools and techniques
If you came here for guidance on how to undertake your own research project, this page is a good place to start.
If you're looking for vintage design catalogues to find a match to your house, look here.
If you want to identify and date a particular piece of hardware or fitting, or find the right design for your vintage house, go here.
This project is entirely not-for-profit, privately funded and intended solely to support historical research and promote the conservation of our dwindling vintage housing stock. The site contains no advertising or any other revenue-generating content. Thanks for checking in and feel free to contact me if you have any queries, observations, reference materials that you wish to share or suggestions for future research.